J.P.Morgan, John Deere, PHINEO/United Way Germany and other great partners launched the “Collective Impact Funding Initiative Zukunftstraeger” in 2018 to fund the most promising approaches to improve apprenticeship transition and completion for disadvantaged youths in Germany. The initiative establishes new and sustainable multisectoral networks that join forces in order to help young people to find their place in life and become an active member of society.
Collective Impact means having several cross-sectoral players assume joint responsibility, develop a shared vision and goals to achieve impact in a complex environment. To establish sustainable collective impact collaboratives that support young people on their way from school into working life.
“Zukunftstraeger” reaches out to underprivileged youth struggling on their way from school to work.
“Zukunftstraeger” is coordinated by PHINEO’s office in Berlin and is being implemented in the cities of Leipzig, Munich, and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region.
We want to know how to help you, what you think of our work, what information you need to join our synergy, and anything else you want to share so we can continue to join forces.